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-Use your pelvis instead of legs for pedalling.
-Feet up!
-pull up your foot, as well as push.


-steer by the metal bar. example

-Find your favourite angle/hight/position of steering unit. adjustment

-Find your favourite condition of the steering grip. example

-Do NOT steer while the Cycling Chair is stoped

For supporters

-how to support the rider getting on to a Cycling Chair

-how to support the rider while pedalling

-individual adjustments

-loading a Cycling Chair onto a boot. video


-chain tension. video

-Do NOT make the chain TOO TIGHT!!

-tyre pressure

-caster wheels



pedaling/steering is very heavy

>> tyre pressure?


my bottom slides forward on the seat

>> want a cushion on your back?

>> want to use a crotch belt?

there are jerking movement when pedal

>> let your family member pedal. Are there still clunking movements? There won't. Jerking movement comes from the pedalling not being smooth enough. Try twisting your trunk together with pedalling and jerking will be much less.


I feel sore on Hip joint

>> use pelvis. If not improving, take a rest and ask a therapist for advice


steering is very heavy

>> tyre pressure? also, make sure to keep on pedalling while steer.


I feel tight on my knees

>> let's make the distance between pedal and seat longer by

1) making the back rest velcro loose and seat depth deeper video

2) adding another cushion on seat to make it higher (but be careful not to make it too high, as gravitation centre will be higher and will be more risk for tipping over)


Share your experience with us. Magic Cycling Network

We are a collective of Cycling Chair users and the supporters on the planet Earth

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